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Sunday, July 25, 2010 Posted in: 2 Responds

i'm not a lucky guy

yes..just like the title...i'm not a lucky man...i know she would never choose me, act like a stong guy...damn...i hate myself...too easy to fallin love...i'm stupid guy...why i feel so sad...damn....!!!i just not lucky...to get your heart...^_^ let it flow...then we will see..what happens next...^_^

Monday, July 19, 2010 Posted in: 2 Responds

she is you...

hello my "Bayi Madu"..you always asked me,,,who is she?like your guess, she is you. i don't know why i feel like this, if I tell you, I'm afraid you're going away .. as ever I say .. I like Jacob .. am I right? I just feel very happy when i see you but I also feel sad at the same time..

i affraid i'm falling in love with you, i don't affraid if you don't love me, i just affraid if you go away from me..i wish i can tell this...face to face with you..but if i seeing your face..my tounge like a frozen ice...i can't tell anything that i must to say. even if i tell you on the phone..i can't speak...because i feel so happy when i hear your voice..then i forget what i'm going to say...but i feel so weak at the same time. i'm not strong enough to say..I LOVE YOU.
don't be change, always be my "Bayi Madu"...i promise..i'll be your best friend ever...tell me everything that you wish to tell to me. I'll always be a place sheltered from all your tired. I'll always be a place to tell all about your story, even I can't write a story in your heart. I wish i can write a beautifull story in your heart...just my wish....don't think about it...my lovely "Bayi Madu". i'm sorry if i write this in my blog...i hope i can say this in front of you...hold tight your hand...see your eyes...and tell everything...please...don't be change...

Monday, July 12, 2010 Posted in: 0 Responds

fall in love again..mayB...duuuh...

I won't be him ... but I dreamed of writing a beautiful story in your heart ... I was so jealous when you talk about him ... hope you're always talking about me .... damn ... maybe I really fell in love with you. .. now you really have to meet the contents of my brain .. my mind is now all about you ... I like a man who wished loved by a beautiful woman .. who is very clearly prefer another man ...

Friday, July 9, 2010 Posted in: 3 Responds

mencari si puzzle

kepingan terakhir yang jadi pelengkap itu masih belum ketemu dimana
mungkin masih bersembunyi dibalik tumpukan buku kehidupanku
mungkin sudah terlihat tapi tak juga aku sadari juga
atau mungkin sudah kubuang beberapa waktu yang lalu karena tak cocok dengan bentuk puzzle terakhir itu

kepingan puzzle itu akan jadi sesuatu yang indah saat aku bisa menemukannya
terasa sangat bahagia seperti anak kecil yang baru saja mendapat hadiah dari orang tuanya
mengharukan seperti saat bertemu dengan seseorang yang sudah sangat lama dinantikan
dan melegakan seperti hilang semua penat pikiran yang sudah lama ingin dihilangkan

hei si puzzle...
dimanakah dirimu...mohon jangan dirimu bersembunyi dariku
hei si puzzle...
hadirlah dimimpiku walau sejenak...hingga aku bisa mengenalimu
hei si puzzle...
yakinlah..aku akan selalu mencarimu...walau sampai kapanpun...